Learning Success

Secondary Studies Faculty - Learning and Support

Welcome to 2024 to all our Camden High School families.


A quick introduction 

Secondary Studies - Learning and Support is a faculty that works across the school to support all students with their learning. Our staffroom is in the library and covers a variety of support roles across all years and faculties. Ms Bui is the Head Teacher, Ms Formosa is our literacy teacher, Ms Hayter and Ms White are our Learning and Support Teachers and Tracey, Sharynne, Kathy, Sharon, and Nadia are our wonderful Student Learning and Support Officers. 


In Secondary Studies – Learning and Support, we have already hit the ground running. There are so many upcoming programs and events that impact all grades. Year 7 ‘O week’ saw all our year 7 students experience introductory lessons and experiences across the school and settle into high school routine.


NAPLAN testing for years 7 and 9 will be beginning from Week 7, Wednesday March 13th and Minimum Standards testing for year 10 is currently underway. Year 12 have their assessments beginning in week 4, and Year 11 in week 7. 


Teacher Assisted Study Centre – TASC – is back! TASC is a homework assistance program that is run every Tuesday 3:10 – 4:10 in the library. Teachers across all faculties volunteer their time to provide one on one or small group support for students with assessments, revision for exams, or working on any missed classwork or concepts/content they’re struggling with. This is a great opportunity for our students to access that extra support available. The permission note for TASC can be found on the school website or schoolbytes. In addition to TASC, Learning and Support staff are available before school, at recess and lunch in the library for any students requesting help. 


We look forward to working with you all throughout the year to help our students achieve success.