From the Deputy Principals
Welcome back to 2024. As we start the school year it is a good time to remind our community of the Camden High School's expectations for students. To the best of their ability, students should adhere to the following principles of being Ready To Learn (R2L). Students need to be learners who are respectful and safe. They can achieve this by:
Engagement in Learning
- Arrive at school and class on time.
- Be prepared for every lesson. Bring the 4P's (pen, paper, planner and pouch).
- Actively participate in learning.
- Aspire and strive to achieve the highest standards of learning.
- Treat one another with dignity.
- Communicate and behave courteously.
- Act and work cooperatively with other students, teachers, and school staff.
- Develop positive and respectful relationships.
- Value the interests, ability and culture of others.
- Respect the learning needs of other students.
- Dress appropriately by wearing the school uniform with pride.
- Take care with school property and the property of staff and other students.
- Model and follow school and class rules and expectations around behaviour and conduct.
- Negotiate and resolve conflict peacefully.
- Be aware of and take responsibility for how their behaviour and actions impact others.
- Care for self and others.
- Be safe and help others to make safe choices that do not hurt themselves or others.
- Ensure they are in the right place at the right time.
Student Behaviour Policy Changes
From the start of term 1, 2024 there have been some changes to the NSW Department of Education policies relating to student behaviour. Students engaging in behaviour, or behaviours of concern, may be suspended on grounds that could include, but are not limited to, the following:
- continued/persistent disobedience and/or disruptive behaviour
- malicious damage to or theft of property
- verbal abuse
- bullying and cyberbullying
- misuse of technology
- discrimination, including that based on sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Due to the immediate and/or significant risk of harm to students or staff, principals may consider issuing an immediate suspension to any student who engages in serious behaviour, or behaviours of concern, that could include, but are not limited to, the following:
- being in possession of, uses or supplies tobacco, vaping devices, alcohol and e-cigarettes
- being in possession of, uses or supplies a suspected illegal/restricted substance
- being in possession of, or using weapons including knives
- using an implement as a weapon
- seriously threatening or engaging in physically violent behaviour
- engaging in serious criminal behaviour related to the school
- engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault or other sexualised behaviour that may pose a risk of or has caused physical, psychological or emotional harm to others.
We hope that by focussing on being Ready to Learn students will have a successful and productive year in 2024.
Tim French - Years 7 & 10
Danielle Kedward - Years 8 & 11
Joanne Tyson - Years 9 & 12
Erin Griffiths - Inclusion & Support