Support Faculty Snapshot
Stage 4
Stage 4 have started the year reading and viewing, drumming and dancing and enjoying sport! Camden HS Support Unit welcomes our new students, and particularly our new Year 7 students to Camden. We thank our Stage 4 classes for a very settled start to the year and look forward to watching a new generation grow with us.
Stage 5
Stage 5 Maths classes have started the year enthusiastically learning about Algebraic Expressions. They have been busy recalling past algebra work and will be testing their expertise with fractions in algebra over the next week.
In English we are learning about Survival and reading some of the inspiring stories of people like Anh Do, Turia Pitt as well as fictional survival stories.
We are also back in the kitchen in Food Technology cooking meals and treats.
Stage 6
The Seniors have started the year well with a strong commitment to their studies. Year 12 are continuing to work hard, ready for the important year ahead. Year 11 are getting used to rigours of Senior Study, including TAFE courses in Automotive and Retail.
It was great to see a couple of past students visit us last week in English Studies, sharing their post-school experiences, including what is like to be part of the work force. We have one student giving the world of work a try, starting Work Experience last week at Tahmoor Woolworths.
A big shout out to the families and carers at home supporting our seniors to achieve their best.
Extra/whole Faculty
After the successes of our all-abilities Boccia and Ten pin Bowling teams in 2023, the opportunity to represent CHS in all-abilities sport will be extended again in 2024. The local Boccia finals will take place in Term 2 and Ten Pin Bowling in Term 3. Get your practice in now.