From the Principal

Term 1 of the 2024 school year has started well at Camden High School.

It has been fantastic to see our students return excited for a year of engaged and focused learning.


At the end of 2023, a new Plan for NSW Public Education was released which represents the Department of Education’s goal for an equitable and outstanding education system where every student learns, grows and belongs. For Camden High School, of particular relevance are the following focus areas.

  • Deliver outstanding leadership, teaching and learning.

Delivering outstanding teaching creates vibrant and inclusive learning environments that drive student success. It is critical for preparing students for rewarding lives ad lifelong learning. We are dedicated to providing outstanding learning experiences in every classroom where every student is valued, challenged and grows.

  • Strengthen student wellbeing and development.

Student wellbeing is fundamental in fostering a thriving learning environment. When students feel safe, included and supported, they are better motivated to attend school and are better equipped to learn. A focus on student wellbeing contributes to a positive school culture and enhances the educational experience.

  • Provide meaningful post-school pathways.

We are committed to equipping and empowering students with skills as they consider pathways that align with their goals and aspirations. It is important that students finish school ready to engage as responsible citizens and succeed in university, training or work.


At Camden High School, our focus continues to be on learners who are respectful and safe, and as always, we have high expectations of our students. To support our students achieving their best every day, we are encouraging everyone to be Ready To Learn, using the 4 P’s.

  • All students have been issued with a mobile phone pouch. Phones are to be switched off and locked in pouches all day, including break times, to increase focus and learning, remove distractions and promote positive social interactions.
  • Students are expected to have a pen, paper (book) and planner on their desk at the start of every lesson. All students have been issued with a planner and Roll Call teachers are assisting students to develop the organisational skills to use these effectively.

Our school uniform makes us easily recognisable in the community and it has been fantastic to see so many students showing their pride in belonging to Camden High School by wearing the correct full school uniform, including black leather shoes. Already I have been impressed with the smooth transition that Year 7 have made to the high school environment, and they are obviously making the most of the opportunity to experience new and different subjects. Year 11 have also adjusted well to the demands of senior schooling, and have started the year in a very focused manner.





Karen Woods - Principal