General News

Roselea Choir at Epping District Music Festival
On Wednesday November 1st, the Roselea Choir and Concert Band performed beautifully at the 2023 Epping District Music Festival. It was held at the Chatswood Concourse and was a marvellous display of the choral, musical and dance talent of the students in our area.
Our choir was singing as part of a 300 voice combined choir which sang a diverse selection of songs in unison and in two or three-part harmonies - quite a feat for a primary choir! Some favourite songs included, Get That Fly, Alone in the Universe from Seussical and Best Day of our Lives.
I would like to thank the members of the choir who spent many, many hours rehearsing during their lunch time as well as walking the 2km each way to Epping West for the full day rehearsals on three occasions. The students were a credit to Roselea both with their talent and their behaviour.
Thank you to all the parents who transported the students to and from the concert. Thank you also to those that bought tickets and enjoyed watching the show. You were a very encouraging audience.
Congratulations also to Hope and Harvey our School Captains who spoke so well as they helped to compare the show and signed a special acknowledgment of country.
Roselea is fortunate to be part of this amazing show and to have not only have our Choir and Concert Band involved this year but our own Mrs Clements and Mr Love as very hard working Stage Managers.
Well done to all!
Mrs Craig and Mrs Gurrier Jones
Congratulations Year 5 Debating Team
Our Year 5 debating team for 2023 consisted of Chloe F, Sophie A, Kate P, Aniya J, Regina C and Ronika M. Our team has done several debates, whilst debating against Epping North Public, Epping West Public School, OLHC, and North Rocks Public.
Our Year 5 debating team managed to secure Roselea a guaranteed second place when we won our semi-final, with the topic of: “Teachers will be replaced by technology someday”, against Epping North.
At the Boronia Grove Community Centre on October 23rd, our Year 5 debating team competed against North Rocks in the final of the Epping Rotary Debating competition. The topic was ‘Year 5 & 6 students should have to do 2 hours community service each week.’ Our team took the negative side of the debate, and after a very close competition, we came home with the win, getting our school name engraved on the trophy. Our debating team would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Love for getting us this far in the journey. Without you, we wouldn't have won the grand finals! Thank you, and we're looking forward to another great year next year in 2024!
We must also say thank you to everyone who helped us including parents and teachers, and to all our fellow debaters for debating with us. We are honoured to receive this award for Roselea Public School, and can’t wait to start again next year in our final primary school year.
Year 5 Debating Team
Advanced Life Photos
20% Discount on Sports & Co-Curricular Group Photos available until 24/11/2023.
The following school sports and co-curricular groups were photographed on 11/09/2023:
You can now view and purchase the groups images listed above and if you place your order before 24/11/2023 you will get a 20% early order discount. Just click on the link below. Please note the discount will automatically be applied at the checkout.
Images can also be viewed by visiting and entering the code Q69 N62 5KJ and clicking on "Group Photos".
- Sports and co-curricular group photos can only be purchased online, PLEASE DO NOT return payment to your school.
- If your child's group or team is scheduled to be photographed at a later date, you will receive an additional email notification when the images are ready to be ordered.
- Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after the discounted early order period has closed.
- Past years' photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available at your school's advancedorder and your child's advancedyou photo sites.
Advanced Life would like to express our appreciation to Roselea Public School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money-back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your Advanced Life experience, please contact us at
From the Office
Please attend to the following correspondence:
- Year 6 Jerseys 2024
- Year 6 Farewell
School Bytes - New Finance System
Last week our school transitioned to a new finance system – School Bytes. School Bytes provides a parent portal which is accessible via a website and an App. Once you have registered, you can access the School Bytes Parent Portal at any time to make a payment online, download your receipt and view your payment history.
Instructions on how to register and access the School Bytes Parent Portal are located on our school website, on the “Make a Payment” tab:
We will also move towards creating our online permission notes through School Bytes. This means that you will be notified of events that require permission and payment through your School Bytes Parent Portal and by email.
It is therefore important that when registering for the portal, you use the same email address that you have provided to the school. If you have changed your email address, please contact us so that we can update it.
Electronic payments (using your School Bytes Parent Portal or EFTPOS at the school office) are now available.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the school office.