PFA Report


The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is a committee made up of parents and teachers. Our main aim is to raise money for our children’s school. Funds raised through the PFA directly benefit our children’s education through the purchase of educational resources, play equipment and improving the school grounds.


Second-Hand Uniform Stall

If anyone has any uniforms they would like to donate to the school, please hand them to the office. All donations must be clean, without holes and able to be worn. (PSW uniforms only – no pants please) Thank you to everyone who have already donated!!


Next Stall: December 12th – Special Time 8.30am-10.30am

Located near the Gym/Canteen


PFA Meetings

The PFA Committee attend meetings once a month in the school staff room.

All parents are invited to attend and participate in the PFA’s fundraising for the year.


Next Meeting: TBA


If there are any parents that are unable to make it to the meeting but have ideas, please remember that you are always welcome to email your suggestions to the PFA email address below. 


We also have a Lyndhurst Primary School – Helpers Page. We will post on this page requested helpers for particular fundraiser, mothers day/fathers day stall etc ..


U P C O M I N G   F U N D R A I S E R S


  • Dominos Raise Some Dough 

Thank you so much to all the people who treated themselves to pizzas throughout this fundraiser. Total Raised : $682


  • Basketball Fundraiser

The PFA are excited to announce the launch of our ball fundraiser. You can now purchase personalised sports balls for a wide range of sports and with every sale made NPA events supports lyndhurst primary by donating money back to our school.

To be apart of this fundraiser it is easy simply click on the link below, personalise your product, finalise your order and it gets sent directly to you (no need to wait for it to be sent to school). It’s that easy.

You can take up this offer anytime during the school year.

So whether your kids have lost their ball and need a new one or your looking for an amazing gift idea we now have you sorted.

    (For more information please check your emails )


 Thank you to all the families who purchased raffle tickets during the Summer Celebrations Concert !! We all the winners are enjoying their prizes 😊 


PFA Email Address

If you have any questions, comments, or if you wish to become involved in the PFA, please email


Current Total    =    $28,924.79

Thanks to all who support the PFA and our amazing school ! PFA (Parents and Friends Association)