Director of Students

Katee Mitchell

We have finally reached the end of the year and holidays are in sight. I would like to thank all students for finishing the year well, working until the end. For some it has been challenging for the last week or so with tiredness and exam stress creeping in. Cheat sheets have been written, flash cards made and a general air of working, learning, studying and revising for this end of year period. Well done!


The traditional final day, beginning with Liturgy, then Annual Awards Assembly finishing with a shared lunch and DJ in the courtyard was attended by the students and staff on Friday. This allows us to embrace our Catholic traditions, celebrate high achievers – both academic and diligence, and leave for the year with a shared lunch and activity with the whole school enjoying several hours together with the busyness of the year behind them.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and encourage our families to enjoy time together over the break.


Mrs Katee Mitchell

Director of Students