Defence Mentor News

Kelly Quigg

Defence School Mentor.

2024 Defence Captain

It is with great pleasure that I introduce our new defence captain for 2024, Miss Ella Mackay.

Ella will be a big part of the defence program for 2024 and will be the school representative for Anzac Day, Vietnam Veterans Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies. 

Defence Club Christmas Fun & Games

Are your circumstances changing?

Just a friendly reminder as we are heading into peak posting season.

Please update the College office or myself via email or phone of any change of circumstances that apply to your family. 

This will make for a smoother transition to update our system and assist with supporting your child during this time. All students who are posting out are given a small afternoon tea with their friends and provided with a small gift; another reason to notify us of your child’s posting out with plenty of notice. 

If you would like to know more about the range of resources and services that are available to all defence families before and during your move, please follow the link:

Defence School Mentor Program Survey

As it’s nearing on the end of the year. it’s time to seek valued feedback from Defence students and families on the Defence School Mentor Program. Please find below the survey manager link.

This survey is purely optional and your response via the survey links goes directly to HQ to be collated. Your responses about the DSM program are genuinely considered in relation to the operation of the program and used to inform future request of funding. It is also a useful tool for us to see what is working or valued at the College. So, I do encourage you to complete the link and give us your thoughts on what works for your child or what I could do to assist and support your child more.

Local Markets

If you’re looking for something to do over the December weekends. Below is a list of some great local markets.