From the Office

Parent Information

End of Year Activities. Years 7-9

As all the end of year activities are now full, we ask that, if your child cannot attend on the day of the activity, the office please be informed as soon as possible so that students on the waiting list can be notified that a place has become available.

Please note that the cost of the activity can only be refunded if the student’s place is taken by a student on the waiting list or a medical certificate is supplied, as buses and entrance fees have been paid for in advance.



Unfortunately, due to Mitchell Shire currently experiencing difficulties in engaging School Crossing Supervisors, there will be some instances where School Crossings will not have a supervisor. 

We ask that parents/carers be vigilant around the crossings before and after school on the days when a supervisor is not available.


                                         2024 School Year

If your child/children are not returning to Seymour College for the 2024 school year, please contact the general office so that the necessary exit papers can be completed.


Term 4 means HATS

Remember to bring your hat to school during term 4



Students who become unwell at school are required to attend the Health Centre located in the admin building, and see the School Nurse, Brooke, who will assess the student and contact a parent if the student needs to go home. Students are NOT to call home prior to attending the Health Centre.



------------Second-hand Textbooks and Uniforms------------------         📚 🎻 ⛹🏻‍♀️ We have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators, musical instruments, sports gear and much more!

Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.


👉🏼 See all the second-hand uniform items for sale here:  


👉🏼 See all the second-hand textbooks for sale here: 


So jump onto the site, register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • reusing items rather than adding to landfill
  • making money on items you sell
  • saving money on items you buy
  • providing another family in our school with cheaper items
  • helping to create a culture of contact amongst our school community families!

💻 Login or Register here:



------------------ Second-hand Textbooks-------------------------                                                         📚 We have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to     second-hand textbooks. 📚


Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.


👉🏼 See all the second-hand textbooks for sale here: 


Register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • recycling items – great for our environment
  • helping & meeting other families in our school
  • making and saving money by buying and selling

💻 Login or Register:


------------------ Second-hand Uniforms------------------------                                                            

 ‍⛹🏻‍♀️ We have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to second-hand uniforms including sports gear.


Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.


👉🏼 See all the second-hand uniform items for sale here: 


Register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • recycling items – great for our environment
  • helping & meeting other families in our school
  • making and saving money by buying and selling

💻 Login or Register: