Grade Two

Dear Grade 2 Families
These last few weeks have been filled with excitement as the students can see more and more of how they have grown throughout the year. The creativity weaved into our learning experiences throughout this Term has been a highlight throughout their learning experiences.
In Mathematics, we have revisited a number of key concepts such as telling the time and data collection from a completely unique angle! We also added to our bank of addition strategies by learning ‘Front-end-addition’ which combined many place value strategies. To celebrate the Colour Run, the students created their own survey question on how we show kindness or gratitude at our school and recorded their peers’ responses using tally marks. Similarly, the students surveyed their peers on aspects of the dioramas they created in Integrated. They enjoyed discussing their findings of patterns of information, such as the most popular form that we express gratitude or how the least preferred trait of a setting is when it contains glitter. The students have certainly shown us what wonderful Mathematicians they all are!
In English, we have been busy publishing narratives for our series of books featuring our own characters. The students have especially enjoyed being able to using a book-template to design their narrative front covers, publish a series of narratives and even add a blurb at the back about themselves as authors. We have also enjoyed exploring what Procedural texts are and brainstorming a comprehensive list of topics to write about using a particular structure. This has been a wonderful opportunity for students to practice the use of command action words to add more purpose to the steps in their writing. The students are very excited to bring these and many more pieces of writing home to you in their Writer Gifts next week!
In Integrated, we have thoroughly enjoyed adding finishing touches to our dioramas. Using their imagination, the students have been very busy adding fine details and finalising the construction of their setting of choice to present at this week’s Narrative Showcase. The Grade 1s classes enjoyed walking through this showcase and were impressed by what they saw! Our Grade 2s have celebrated learning about different settings using shape, colour, textures, materials, effort, collaboration and resilience to create a final artwork that mesmerized their peers while expanding their understanding of creativity! They are excited to bring home their work and share their accomplishments with you.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our families for their ongoing support during the year and to wish everyone a Happy Holiday full of festivities, joy and love.
The Grade Two Team