Grade One

This term we have seen our students make their final jump towards completing Grade 1 with pride and determination. Their growth mindset towards new learning experiences has reflected their readiness for Grade 2! They have celebrated our Oatlands community through our Dance Production and also achieved many personal milestones while building social connections with peers and their buddies. We wish our students a wonderful summer break and the very best as they transition into Grade 2!
This term, students engaged in narrative writing. Students learnt about the orientation, language structure and descriptive features of narratives through various mentor texts and then creating their own. Students really showcased their expanding vocabulary through their descriptive language choices. Using their real world skills, students developed procedural texts that allowed them to teach each other how to complete a task and achieve a goal. Grade 1 students recently completed their take-home reader process for the year and have blown their teachers away with the immense growth they have achieved in their fluency and overall comprehension.
In Maths, students have engaged with and consolidated their current understandings of various mathematical concepts. In addition, students made connections with real world situations. They engaged in a variety of concepts through the use of open ended tasks providing every student with an entry point to feel successful. Students measured a variety of objects using both informal and formal units. It was great to see students enjoy engaging in hands-on activities and seeking to find every possible solution.
Integrated Studies:
Throughout this term, Grade 1 students showcased their creative minds through a variety of design challenges. The level of detail, assortment of materials used and creative ways in which students were able to construct their models was at a very high standard. Each student articulated how they constructed their designs. Students displayed how they have been critically thinking about their constructions over the past few weeks. Finally, students collaborated together in groups to showcase a hidden talent through dance, humour and puppet shows. They demonstrated their ability to communicate effectively with others and work together to reach a common goal.
Well done Grade 1 students on a wonderful year of learning!
The Grade One Team