
Thank you to all the support from the school community throughout the year. We have had some exciting new and familiar events this year including
* Hot Cross Bun fundraiser
* Free Dress Days
* Mother’s Day stall
* Beanies
* School Disco
* Mango Fundraiser
* Colour Run
To continue some of these events next year please consider volunteering at an event.
There will be a PFA Information session in Term 1 next year.
Due to the weather conditions over the past month in Queensland, the mangoes have been slower to ripen. The delivery of mangoes will be here the week commencing Monday 11th of December. At this stage we cannot give you a more specific date. We will send out another update closer to the time. Please check COMPASS for further updates.
Issue 8 has been ordered once it has arrived it will get processed and put out as soon as we can.
Colour Run
A huge Thankyou to everyone who came on the day from the volunteers to the students, we would be lost without your support and wouldn’t be able to have these types of amazing events.
It was wonderful to have the PFA and Junior School Council working together to run this event. A massive Thank you to the Junior School Council who gave up their recess and lunchtimes to help, always with a big smile.
The students and teachers were so excited during the Colour Run and thankfully the rain held out until the end. Thank you to the teachers & staff on the day that helped and organised the students.
We have raised approximately $11,200 which will go towards school facilities. If you haven’t returned the colour run money please return it as soon as possible.
Oatlands Beanies
If you would like to purchase an Oatlands Beanie we have them at the office for sale for $20.