Principal Report

Where have the last 24 years gone. I won’t say that it feels like I started here at Oatlands yesterday, but it certainly doesn’t feel like 24 years ago. As this will be my last ever newsletter article, I thought that I would recap some of my favourite Oatlands Primary School moments and memories.
It all started in 1999 for me. Even though I was happy at my previous school and not having any intention of leaving an opportunity came up at Oatlands. The decision to work at Oatlands was one of the best career moves that I have ever made.
During the holiday break, prior to starting here, my wife Leanne, daughter Tayla, who was starting Kinder, and I came to school to set up my room for the upcoming year. Tayla was always going to a school in Noble Park, where we lived at the time and Leanne also worked at. Within 5 minutes of stepping into the school, chatting to the then Principal – Stuart Daly and meeting some of the staff, it was decided that Tayla would be a student at Oatlands. Her every moment at primary school was terrific, she grew academically and socially. Finishing her secondary schooling and completing her university studies. She has become a wonderful almost 30-year-old and someone that Leanne and I are very proud of.
Thanks to all the teachers that had input into her primary school years.
In 2001 I was given my first opportunity to attend a grade 6 camp at Wilsons Prom. I remember staying at the Prom with a group of friends as an 18-year-old, but typical of a teenager, I didn’t really appreciate where I was. I loved the week I spent there with the kids: walking up Mt Oberon, Little Oberon Bay, Squeaky Beach and the Night hike, swimming, playing cricket every day, having a shower in the morning, and turning black with the dirt that was blown around or kicked up by the kids. I enjoyed it so much that I have been down there every year since.
In my time at Oatlands, I have attended 24 Graduation Ceremonies and have enjoyed every one of them. It’s been an honour to be part of these, firstly as a grade 6 teacher and then as an Assistant Principal. To see the growth and the maturity that our grade 6 students display is phenomenal.
In 2006 Stuart Daly, Geraldine Gamble and I came up with the idea of a hiking club, where a selected group of grade 6 students would train each week with the opportunity to go on a 3 day hike at Wilsons Promontory. We thought that we were well prepared and had what we were told was the right equipment. With some warm weather, poor backpacks, terrible sleeping mats and ordinary food choice we ventured out. We ended up with sore backs, blisters and some reasonable weight loss, vowing that while the principle of the idea was good, it would be a one off. Time and better resourcing changed our minds and the program has successfully continued. While Stuart and Geraldine have finished their time at Oatlands and my knees have given up, I am pleased that Wes Holloway, Matt Kenny and a few of the grade 6 teachers have successfully continued the program.
On a different note I love catching up with ex-students. Whether it’s at school, Westfield Fountain Gate or some other random place it’s great to have ex- OPS students saying g-day and letting me know how they are doing at Secondary School, University, working careers and parenting.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge all the wonderful teachers that I have worked with over my years at Oatlands. We have great kids at Oatlands who are brought up by marvellous parents but more importantly it the great calibre of teachers that make this school great. I would like to thank the principal team at Oatlands over my years at the school for their guidance and support. Stuart Daly and Marguerite Jones, Jill Higgins, Wes Holloway for seeing a leader in me and Matt Kenny and Deanne Morgan, who have been fantastic colleagues and friends. I would like to wish Michelle White all the best moving into the Student Wellbeing role and I’m positive that she will do a great job in this area.
Thank you everyone for making my time at Oatlands sensational.
PS. By the way travel, golfing and a move to Mildura where our two children currently live is part of our future plans.