Natación 2023

Swimming Program 2023

Hola familia de Newlands,


We are delighted to share the tremendous success of our recent swimming program at Coburg Leisure Centre. Our students dived into a fantastic aquatic adventure that not only provided a refreshing break from the classroom routine but also offered valuable lessons in water safety and motor skills.


Our students delved into crucial water safety lessons, emphasizing the importance of staying safe in aquatic environments. They learned about:

- Understanding water depth and potential hazards

- Recognizing and respecting pool rules

- Practicing safe entries and exits into the water


Beyond water safety, our learners honed essential motor skills, contributing to their overall physical development. Some of the key skills they focused on include:

- Floating Techniques: Developing the ability to float on their backs and fronts.

- Basic Swimming Strokes: Introduction to fundamental strokes like freestyle and backstroke.

- Breath Control: Learning to control breathing while swimming and floating.


The swimming program offered numerous opportunities for our students to enhance their water confidence. As they practiced their newly acquired skills, they gained the self-assurance needed to enjoy water activities during the summer break.


I extend my gratitude to the dedicated Newlands teachers and swimming instructors and staff at Coburg Leisure Centre for providing a safe and enjoyable learning environment. The success of the program wouldn't have been possible without their expertise and commitment to our students' well-being.



Raúl – Health and PE Teacher