
Newlands Whole School Transition Day including Government schools year 6 to 7 Transition Day


This will be held on Tuesday 12th December, 9am - 11am.  For students currently in Foundation to Year 5, they will be joined on the day with our 2024 Foundation students. This is a very important day to attend and hold on the same day as the year 6 to 7 transition day for government secondary schools, to maximise our staffing resources and physical spaces.  This a great opportunity for our students to be with their new cohort and teacher.


2024 Class lists

This year, transition is going to be a little complicated due to the new buildings not being available for our 2024 Transition Day. Only Foundation students will be in their designated 2024 classroom, with Years 1 - 6 students in a temporary classroom. Please view the map below for the classes. Classes in orange represent a temporary classroom. 


Parents and carers will be informed of their child’s teacher and class location for 2024 by a letter sent home with your child on Monday 11th December. 


Next week we have made some adjustments to the Specialist timetable. Please refer to the new timetable below:



School Reports

School reports will be available on Sentral Today from 3pm (Friday 8th December). If you are unable to access Sentral, please email the school for a digital copy of your child's report.


Your child's learning continuums are also available for you to access on Sentral. The continuums provide an overview of your child's progress in their learning. Each continuum statement is colour coded as to the progression stage of each one:

Black - Statement not Achieved; 

Orange - Beginning to work on the Statement; 

Blue - Consolidating the understanding of the Statement; 

Green - Statement as been mastered.


The Parent Teacher Interviews next week will provide an opportunity for you to discuss your child's report with their teacher.