by Kerri Fulton

As part of the VCE-VM students’ transition into Year 11 and 12 VCE-VM, a number of team and skill building activities were held.


The first on Monday 4th December, was ’Bubble Soccer’. Typically, like Melbourne, the weather had gone from Winter into Summer from one day to the next. This meant in very hot conditions, the students bravely put on the inflatable bubbles and took on their classmates in a game of Bubble Soccer. It was just about as much fun to watch the students do the activity, as it was to be playing. Lots of rolling around and laughing took place. I thank the students for braving the hot conditions and showing resilience and a sense of humour. Well done!


Our second team and skill building activity, was the Unlock Melbourne City Excursion. The students had to independently make their way into the city and find clues as a team at prominent sites around Melbourne. All the staff on the excursion commented on how well all the students took part and showed leadership and organisational skills. Hopefully the activity introduced them a little more to our wonderful city of Melbourne. We look forward to running more of these events in the future.


I wish everyone a wonderful and safe break and look forward to working with everyone in 2024.


Kerri Fulton

VCE Vocational Major Coordinator


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