Assistant Principal Report - Junior School 

Mrs June Sainsbery

Junior School Captains

It was great to see a number of Year 9 students nominate for leadership roles in the Junior School. The process involves the students completing a written application, attending an interview with senior staff, and presenting to their peers at assemblies.  This is a daunting process that takes courage and I thank all the students who applied.


I am delighted to announce that the Junior School Captains for 2024 are:

Junior School Captains:                      Ava FITZGERALD and Marcus O’MEARA-HAYES

Junior School Vice Captains:             Sonny BRICKLE and Miles BUCHANAN


I am also pleased to announce the Performing Arts Junior Captains are:

Asha BLOCK and Maggie HARE


Respect Cup

On Wednesday 29th November all Year 9 students were involved in a day of seminars, activities and sports that are designed to increase their awareness and understanding of ‘respect’ – what it looks like and how they can cultivate it in their interactions with their peers.  The day included class-based sessions and a round-robin of volleyball.  The CONNECT class that accrued the highest number of points over the day was awarded the inaugural PSC Respect Cup. Congratulations to CONNECT group 2. The students participated positively and enjoyed the many activities.  We are planning for this to be an annual event for our Year 9 students.



I wish all students and their families a relaxing and safe holiday.