
by Katia Takla

Year 9 and Year 10  

Designing T-shirts for others involves understanding the client's needs, preferences, and the purpose behind the design. In this case the clients were the pre school children at the Kingston Early Learning Centre next door.


Our students initially communicated and collaborated with the pre school children to ensure that the final T-shirt design aligned with their vision and goals.


When the finished products were presented to the pre school children the staff said  “they did not want to take their t-shirts off and were wearing them as it brought them so much happiness.”


Year 10

Hoodies and Oodies. 

Students were challenged learning about embellishments, fabric dying and measuring others for garment creation. These garments needed to be sustainable and innovative. 


Year 9 

Tote bags and PJs

The Year 9 students worked hard to complete their stylish pjs/tote bags that they have designed and dyed using our fabric dyes. 


Year 7

Drawstring Bags were designed with their own Totem included. Students had a choice of colours and fabric that included the process of Applique.