From the Dean of Curriculum

Embracing Change as the School Year Concludes

Dear BMGS Community,


As we approach the conclusion of another academic year, it is a fitting time to reflect on the journey we have undertaken together and to look forward to the changes that lie ahead. The 2023 school year has been filled with achievements and growth. 


Celebrating Achievements

Before we delve into the changes, let's take a moment to celebrate the accomplishments of our students, teachers, and staff. From academic achievements to artistic expressions, athletic triumphs to community service initiatives, the spirit of excellence has shone brightly throughout BMGS. Our students' dedication to their studies and their passion for various activities have truly made this year exceptional.


Farewells and Welcomes

As we bid farewell to graduating seniors who have been an integral part of our community, we also extend a warm welcome to new students who will be joining us next academic year. Change brings new opportunities for growth and learning, and we are excited to embrace the diversity and fresh perspectives that these transitions bring.


John Cunningham Student Centre

The John Cunningham Student Centre has been built and will be ready for us next year. The Student Centre has been designed and built for a more conducive and modern learning environment for our students. These improvements reflect our commitment to providing the best possible educational experience for everyone in our community.


Curriculum Updates

We are continually working to enhance our curriculum to better meet the needs of our students and prepare them for the challenges of the future. As we move forward, you can expect to see updates in course offerings, incorporating new technologies, and aligning our curriculum with evolving industry trends.


Community Engagement

Our commitment to fostering a strong sense of community remains steadfast. We will be introducing new initiatives to further involve parents, guardians, and the broader community in the educational journey of our students. Your support and engagement are crucial in creating an environment where every student can thrive.


Looking Ahead

Change is a constant in life, and our senior school community is no exception. As we look ahead to the next academic year, let us embrace these changes with optimism and enthusiasm. Together, we can continue to make BMGS a place where students are inspired to learn, grow, and achieve their full potential.


Thank you for being an essential part of our vibrant community. We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to the exciting developments that the future holds for our school.


Mrs Alicia Michielsen

Dean of Curriculum 7-12

Head of Learning Enrichment P-12

Careers Advisor