Prep A - Blake F - For his awesome independent work using the iPad to represent the number 8 in various forms. Well done!

Prep B - Jesse D - You are on fire at the moment Jesse! I love how you are being responsible for your learning and challenging yourself to improve! Keep kicking goals superstar! 

12A - Nimmi J - For having a “can do” attitude towards her learning, I love how you bring such a positive energy to our class. Keep up the amazing work !! 

12B - Jackson MC - for  resilience shown and staying for the whole night at the Grade 2 Sleepover. You did it!

12C -Arlon D - For knuckling down in literacy this week and producing some fantastic work. Great job buddy!

34A - Harlyn B - For your natural leadership and organisational skills in the classroom. Always ensuring our room is clean and tidy. We appreciate your efforts. 

34B - Logan D - For your hard work and concentration you have put into all of our testing over the past few weeks. I know it wasn’t easy, but you did it! Well done. 

34C- Daniel B - For being a valued member of 34C. He contributes to class discussions, is kind to others and tries his best in all areas of his learning. Keep it up, Daniel!

56A - Brayden M - For trying his best at all tasks in the classroom. Well done Brayden! 

56B - Ryder R - His excellent use of persuasive techniques to make his writing more engaging to his audience.

56C - Kaylee S - For settling in as a new ‘Eastie’. We are lucky to have you in our class and at our school. 

56D - Charli D - Her positive attitude in the classroom and always demonstrating the PAL values. Well done, Charli!






Prep A - Piper C - For getting creative when representing a number in a variety of ways using technology. Well done Piper! 

12B - Narlah W -Her deep thinking and persistence using playdough and sticks to create 3D shapes during our ‘What shape can you make?’ challenge. What a legend! 

34C - Sienna W - For being an amazing listener and contributor during our Tuesday’s maths group. Especially during our investigations into Australian currency. Well done, Sienna!

56D - Ryder D-L - For his hard work and determination when converting fractions, decimals and percentages to their equivalents. Well done, Ryder!



Prep A - Harper M - For her efforts to record the middle sounds she can hear when writing words, well done Harps, keep sounding out the words!

12B - Krystal P - For taking on board all that is covered in our Mini Lessons and working hard to ‘Up level’ your writing. Well done!

34C - Jorja-Lee - For her amazing dedication and hard work during the Literacy Block. She always listens respectfully and offers clever and interesting insights into our learning. And…we love listening to her read aloud! Well done, Jorja-Lee!

56D - Jade M - For using different persuasive techniques to improve her writing. Well done, Jade!





Congratulations to Michael, Sophie, Charli and Hunter.