Around The School

Year 5/6 Awards Ceremony


Prep BF had a great time building towers with paper blocks. 

They were even strong enough to hold a Kit Kat!

The Year 1's had a Fairytale Fiasco incursion on Monday as part of their fairytale unit.  The students had a wonderful time dressing up as fairytale characters and taking part in a play.  There were witches, wizards, pigs, wolves and more!  It was great fun seeing the students having so much fun.

State Schools Spectacular 2024

The State Schools Spectacular program is an invaluable performing arts opportunity for Victoria’s government primary and secondary school students.


The program showcases and unites government school communities through working towards a common goal of more students reaching the highest level of achievement in the arts, ensuring kids are happy, healthy and resilient, and building pride in our schools. It culminates in an arena spectacular performance at John Cain Arena on the 14th of September, 2024. This performance will be filmed and broadcast by Channel 7.


Old Orchard Primary School has been selected to perform in the State Schools Spectacular in the following Categories:


Mass Dance (16 students)

Mass Choir (20 students)


As we have limited spots available in each category, student selection will be offered to Year 5 & 6 students exclusively. Students will need to apply and students cannot be in both categories, it will be at teacher discretion as to which group they get assigned to if students are interested in both.


Rehearsals may be held before school, at lunchtime or during class time. These times will be confirmed early in 2024. Please ensure you are available and committed to attending all options before submitting an application. Please note that there will be a small cost involved in the program to be determined at a later date. We do not want this to deter you from applying so please get in touch if this is an issue. 


If you are interested in being a part of either the Mass Dance or Mass Choir performance in the State Schools Spectacular you need to fill out the application form below by Wednesday 20th of December 


Students will be informed of their selection or non-selection in the first week of school 2024. It is a process that we take seriously and a great deal of thought goes into selecting the students who are most suited to the program. Feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. 


Rhiannon Trimby - Mass Choir Coordinator


 Nan Ternai - Mass Dance Coordinator


Christmas Appeal

We are now collecting donations for the Anglicare Victoria Toy Appeal.  Below is a list of gift ideas, as well as information on how to make an online donation if you prefer.