
Year 8 Mass

It is always a special time to have students, parents and staff pray and reflect together in the College Chapel. This week, Mr Oddey’s Year 8 students celebrated Mass and sang beautifully. A big thank you to Mrs Licciardello’s 8.4 PCG, and all the incredible and talented readers, altar servers, running of the PowerPoint – probably the most difficult job, and to the parents and families who joined us in this Eucharistic celebration. We were very fortunate to have Fra Oscar back from his pilgrimage, and we are glad that he is home safe.  A special thank you to our Old Boy, Josh Sumich (’20) on piano. 

Friday 8.00am Community Mass 

Friday 8:00am Mass was hosted by Mr Michael Murphy’s 7.8 PCG class. A special thank you to our three readers and CBC bell ringer. Thank you to all who attended. We have one more Friday 8:00am next week and that then concludes our Friday Masses for the year. 


Thank you and God bless! 


Mrs Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry

Cadre Retreat

The current Year 11 students who have chosen to be Cadre leaders for 2024, will take part in their Cadre training with Mr Le Tessier, Mr Byrne and myself on Tuesday 21 November.  We will meet at the College and be driven by bus to St Joseph’s in Subiaco and returned by bus to Trinity College. Morning tea and lunch is provided. Students need to bring a pen, a water bottle, and wear neat casual clothing with enclosed shoes.


I thank all parents in your support of this special Christian leadership experiences for these dedicated young men.  Thank you and God bless! 

2023 St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

Every year we collect items for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Please send non-perishable items to school next week for your son to place in the baskets that will be available in each PCG room from Monday, 20 to Friday, 1 December.


Hampers are delivered to families in your community who have called upon Vinnies for a hand-up. To uphold the dignity of those receiving the hamper, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for at least 6 months. All items must be non-perishable and undamaged.

This Christmas, more families are experiencing poverty and are on the brink of homelessness. After struggling with the cost-of-living crisis for over a year, they barely have anything left to hold on to. As the crisis deepens, so does their desperation. Your urgent help can provide relief.


Case Study: Anna's Story 

As the cost of everything goes up, except her income, Anna faces an uphill battle that she can never get ahead of each week. “It’s been debilitating,” laments Anna. Raising two children as a single mother receiving a disability support pension, the struggle to stay on top of her rent, household bills, groceries and unexpected expenses on an income below the poverty line led Anna to reach out to the Society for support. 


Christmas Hamper Ideas

Christmas pudding, long-life custard, tea and coffee, milo, long life milk, canned fruit, cordial, long-life juice, cereal, pancake mix, Tim Tams, shortbread, biscuits – sweet, savour, jelly, spreads – jam, vegemite, canned vegetables, gravy mix, packet soup, dried fruit, pasta, Christmas decorations and sweets.