Key Dates

Term 4 - November
Monday 27th - Head Start for Years 8-12 (2024) Begin
Thursday 30th - Year 8 Coastal Walk Excursion
Term 4 - December
Monday 4th - Year 7 (2024) Orientation Day - all students
Tuesday 5th - Awards Assembly at 11.00am
Friday 8th - Whole School Closing Liturgy, Students dismissed at 1.00pm.
Tuesday 19th - School Office closes for 2023
Term 1 - January
Monday 8th - School Office opens for 2024
Term 1 - February
Thursday 1st - Year 7 First Day (Transition Day)
Thursday 1st - Year 7 Family Meet and Greet BBQ at 3pm
Thursday 1st - Student Leaders Training Day
Friday 2nd - Year 8-12 students return
Friday 2nd - School photos
Tuesday 13th - Year 11 and 12 Parent Information Night
Wednesday 14th - Ash Wednesday
Tuesday 20th - Opening School Mass 11am
Tuesday 20th - Year 7 Information Night
Thursday 29th - Year 8 Water Safety Day
Term 1 - March
Friday 1st -Swimming Carnival
Monday 4th - School tour 9am
Wednesday 6th to 8th - Year 7 Camp
Friday 8th - International Women's Day Breakfast 6.45am
Monday 11th - Labour Day (Public Holiday)
Tuesday 12th - Year 10 Dare to Dream Week
Wednesday 13th to 15th - Year 12 Retreat
Friday 15th - Year 10 Personal Development Day
Monday 18th - Urversity Week
Thursday 21st - Harmony Day
Friday 22nd - Liturgy and Easter Raffle
Friday 22nd - Years 7-10 Final Day of classes, 3.05pm finish
Monday 25th to 28th - VCE Independent online learning
Kildare Ministries Conference for all staff
Monday 25th - School Office closes 1pm
Friday 28th - VCE/VM Teachers online 9am-12pm
Friday 29th - Good Friday (Public holiday)
Saturday 30th - Holy Saturday
Sunday 31st - Easter Sunday
Term 2 - April
Monday 15th - Term 2 commence