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VCE Vocational Major Excursion - 13 November
Our VCE Vocational Major class would like to thank Sage Cottage for the amazing tour around their farm. We had so much fun learning about the different animals on the farm such as their goats, chickens, mini horses and giant rabbits.It was such a joy to walk around their beautiful garden. I found it very interesting how they grow their plants with fish in the water. We learnt that the fish provides the nutrients needed for the plants to grow.It was nice seeing how the buildings on the farm still have their old structures and still look the same as when it was first built many years ago.
Annabelle T
Year 11 VCE VM Student
Year 7 (2024) Pre Orientation Day - 15 November
Our current Year 7 Ambassadors welcomed Year 7 (2024) students who were starting at the College next year on their own.
Every year we host two pre-orientation sessions to allow the students to come in and familiarise themselves with the college grounds and have a chance to connect with others in the same situation as them.
Led by our Year 7 Level Leader, Ms Kennedy, our Year 7 Ambassadors planned a day full of fun activities. Well done students!
We hope everyone had lots of fun and we look forward to welcoming the new Year 7 cohort of 2024 next week.
Diamond Girls - 17th November
On Friday 17th of November, we took over fifty students from Years 7 to 9 to the Diamond Girls' Baseball Gala Day run by the Springvale Lions Baseball Club.
Across the day, our students practiced their skills in some drills and mini-games before concluding the day with a game of baseball. The day was filled with lots of laughter and fun, and the girls displayed great teamwork throughout the day.
Congratulations to Zoe Peters, Matilda Gathercole, Savannah Pahl, Georgia Nickels, Marin Qresh and Rebecca Vogt for winning a prize on the day.
Thank you to the Springvale Lions Baseball Club for hosting us, and to everyone involved in the day.
Miss Roberts
Sport Leader
Year 9 News - 17 November
In Terms 3 and 4, our Year 9 students studied World War One History. As a part of their studies, they created their own topics for research for an extended project. The variety of different projects created was immense - ranging from medical kits, recipe books, poetry, and all sorts of models including a gas mask, dioramas, paintings, care packages, drawings, sculptures, videos, video games, and journals.
Our students viewed all of the projects and provided their feedback.
"The showcase was really eye-opening to see how much effort everyone put into making their project heart-warming and touching. It made me really emotional seeing some of the letters people wrote."
Wonder - 19th November
Last week Ms Dilettoso and I had a visit from some innovative students from the Wonder program. They have an initiative that we were so glad to hear about and below are their thoughts. We got right onto it and that afternoon we delivered their goods to the Friends of Refugees Centre in Springvale. Well done Amasha, Meisha and Grace! And Ms Galante!
In Year 8, during Term 4, Amasha, Meisha, and Grace came up with the idea to help those in need by providing them with healthy food options. Our inspiration came from the realization that when people see someone in need, they often opt for the cheapest and most tempting food available. We felt that a change was necessary.
Throughout the term, we faced some challenges with our project. Initially, we wanted to focus on proper composting, but we realized it wasn't a very innovative idea. Then, we shifted our attention to helping teenagers eat healthily. However, it was when the idea of assisting the needy in having access to nutritious food struck us that we knew we had found our calling.
Our initial plan was to create meals in a bento box-like container, including fried rice, pasta, and gingerbread cookies. However, we had to reconsider this approach after speaking with Ms. Galante. She rightly pointed out the importance of listing the ingredients on the packaging to address any potential allergens. So, we created small stickers with the ingredients and attached them to our packaging.
Ms Galante also advised us to consult with Mr O'Neill and Ms Dilettoso to gather their perspectives on our project's innovation. They suggested that we reach out to "Friends of Refugees," a place in Springvale where the owner stocks essential items like milk, canned food, pasta, and hygiene products. Every morning, people who are in need can come and take what they may require. Ms Dilettoso and Mr O'Neill expressed their interest in continuing this idea, with junior students donating an item that may help create a portion of food and making them then donating to the ‘Friends of Refugees’ next year, and we hope it becomes a reality.
Year 7 Art - 20th November
Tweet tweet! Our creative Year 7 students researched their favourite bird to create from clay. By first sketching in graphite, the students got a head start on learning how to capture the essence and interpret the form of their chosen bird.
An amazing effort by our Year 7 students!!
Miss Stabologlou
Visual Arts Teacher
Year 7 Painting - 21st November
The Year 7 painting unit this term included two artworks:
-a digitally drawn artwork using the digital painting program Procreate, on our iPads with a pencil
-cropping their reference image and painting this manually on a canvas using acrylic paint.
A brilliant effort by all students!!
Fros Stabologlou
Visual Arts Teacher