Whole School News

Library News

This week is the last week that students may borrow from the school library for the year. I will then embark upon the task of getting the library in order to begin the annual stocktake.  


Next week I will distribute overdue notices.  If your children have any overdue books, could you please help them to look for them so that they can be returned.


JSC Dress Up Day

Book Club Issue 8


Magazines for Issue 8 of Book Club  will be coming home soon.


Every purchase from the Scholastic Book Club not only gives your child wonderful educational resources at home, but also contributes to the school Library collection which benefits all of the school children. 


There are 4 ways to order: 


1. By credit card using LOOP, where you complete the book order and pay online – nothing needs to be sent back to school 


2. Credit card over the phone, you still need to complete an order form & return it to school with the 11-digit receipt number 


3. Cash (correct money) in an envelope with the completed order form 


4. Cheque (made payable to Scholastic Australia) with the completed order form 


Orders are due back to school by Friday 1 December, with delivery around one week later.

Big Group Hug Donations

For more information please visit https://biggrouphug.org/support-us/donate-goods/


Please drop any donations into the office.



Students Of The Week


Term 4 - Week 7


Congratulations to our leaders of learning!


Prep K - Millie S and Evren P

Prep E - Adriel I

1/2N - Leah H

1/2K - Edie K

1/2R - Emme F

1/2W - Alex H

3/4B - Malakai GS and Alex A

3/4S - Lucas M and Sophie MS

3/4J - Abdi A and Zachary P

5/6H - Joe D

5/6D - Olivia M and Emma E

5/6T - Gilbert G and Tali MS


House Cup 


Term 4 - Week 7 Winner:  Green Grevillea!!


Red Waratah - 16 Points

Blue Gum - 10 Points

Green Grevillea - 5 Points

Golden Wattle -  4 Points