A note from Mrs Whitechurch

Sensory Tools and their Benefits

There are many benefits of sensory tools which focus on increasing concentration, reducing anxiety, developing fine motor skills and supporting self-regulation.


When looking at sensory support tools that help to promote the sense of touch, there are many on the market, however generally all of them have the main aim to provide a squishy, stretchy, bumpy and tactile experience.


In the classroom sensory tools can be used in a variety of ways to support learning.

  • Improve focus: Sensory tools can help children focus and engage in learning activities. For example, a fidget toy can keep a child's hands busy while they listen to a story, helping them to concentrate on the task at hand. 
  • Reduce anxiety: Sensory tools can also help to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm in children. For example, a weighted blanket can provide a comforting and calming sensation that can help a child feel more relaxed and focused. 
  • Enhance learning: Sensory tools can enhance learning by providing a multi-sensory experience. For example, an interactive mat can help children learn about shapes and colours by engaging multiple senses, such as touch and sight.

It is important however to find the right sensory tool that match the sensory needs of your child. Students need to understand that they have a specific purpose to support concentration and assist learning.


Recently, we were fortunate to have the support of Sensory Street who provided tools for our ‘Chill Out Zone’ at a recent School Fair. Sensory Street have now donated tools to be used in our Prep classrooms. We appreciate their support.


For more information see the link below.



Caregiver Triple P Fear Less Parenting Seminar

Attached is an opportunity for you to participate in a free online seminar that supports parents/carers to learn about how to manage children’s anxiety.


For more information see below flyer


Kind Regards,

Lynda Whitechurch

Assistant Principal