Year 3

We have had a busy start to the term in grade 3!
The students have been learning more about sustainability-our topic for the term. We have watched some some different video clips and had some great discussions including the 5 R’s-ways we can rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse & recycle to maintain a healthy earth for today and the future. We engaged in a scavenger hunt around our school to investigate & discuss ways we are being sustainable! Soon we will be role playing sustainable choices!
We have been focussing on place value in maths-writing, reading, expanding and ordering numbers as well as using materials to represent numbers of 4 and 5 digits. Some of us had fun creating buildings using the materials-these buildings resulted in some very large numbers!.
We also learnt a new place value game-Mastermind…try it at home! This week we have been applying our place value knowledge to solve both addition and subtraction algorithms!
We shared our experiences of the holidays and wrote recounts about these. We then worked on revising and editing our writing. Our poetry writing unit for the term has commenced. The students have had fun writing a variety of different types including Haiku, Acrostic & Cinquain poems! See if your child can teach you-they can be a challenge but are great fun!
With the school production less than one month away, the students have been practising their class song with Mrs Zuidland, Miss Hine, Rachel and Clare. It’s sounding great! Keep up the rehearsing everyone!
We have also been busy in our specialist subjects of Spanish, PE, Art, Music and Media Arts!