YEAR 1/2

We have started Term 4 with lots of energy and enthusiasm. During reading this term we have been consolidating our knowledge of sentence structure. We know what nouns and verbs are and that we can use conjunctions to join sentences together to make compound sentences. We have been learning split diagraph spelling patterns and transferring this knowledge into our writing.
We have also been very creative and composing poems as part of our Writing curriculum. So far we have written colour poems, shape poems and cinquain poems.
In Numeracy lessons, we have been working on number and place value which help us understand that numbers can be written in various forms - numerals, expanded form (hundreds, tens and ones), words and pictures. We also use MAB blocks to make our number to understand what their place value is.
As part of our R.E. curriculum, we are learning about building relationships and that to have good relationships we need honesty, patience, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, loyalty and empathy.
We have been making the most of the sunny days by exploring our Inquiry unit about 'Change and sustainability'.