5 CA

Mr Cameron and Miss Ash

Term 4 already!

Welcome back everyone. We hope you all had a relaxing break. We had such a busy few weeks to finish off Term 3. We posted some photos of camp but have added more to this newsletter to celebrate the fantastic time we had!

Book Week was an amazing success on our last day of Term. Well done for everyone for getting in the spirit!

Term 4 is going to be finishing before we know it, so let's put in 100% effort and have an UNBELIEVABLE term!

Book Week 



Old School

                                                                          Gold smelting

Here are some statements the children have written about their camp experiences:


Jack - I loved the costume school. I loved the clothes, especially the cap.


Lexi - I loved it when we went to the costume school. I loved learning about the 1850s. (The quill pen was very hard to use) Also the light show was amazing. We got to see what happened in the Eureka Stockade and how it concluded. (Also we stayed up very late in our cabins and it was very fun playing in there)


Grace - The best thing at camp was the costume school. I liked it because we got an amazing experience of what it was like to be a kid in the 1850s. And I also liked using the ink since we don't use ink now.


Aneeta - I loved it when we got to do writing because I learnt to write Fancy. I also liked it when we got to use the Ink Pen. The light show that we saw on the 1st night was really cool. Me and my cabin friends stayed up late.




Miles - My favorite part of camp was when we saw the gold being casted because I love most things involving the periodic table. The funniest moment of camp was when we were in the cabins because we got to joke around. 


Harper - The best part about camp was when we saw  how to make gold , having  free time with my friends and making candles  but the best part was  playing cards with Harrison on the bus  on the way to camp.


Eric - The best day was the first day where we got free time and i bought a jar of raspberry drops from the candy store. 


Anastasia - Camp was an exciting place to be at mainly because of the 3D light show, getting to learn about the gold rush and because you could buy stuff and we got to pan for gold and we also got to be apart of the 1851 school there. It we the best, the bus ride took a long time if you ask me though. 


Cooper - The best thing about camp was watching the 3D movie and sleeping in the cabins.


Henry - The best thing about camp was the 3D space movie.


Max - The best thing about camp is the cabin and all my friends like Henry, Liam and Miles in my cabin. The shop had all types of things that were really FUN.

My favourite thing was looking around, cabin time and breakfast. THE 1850 WERE SO MUCH FUN. My friends had so much fun too. I give a 10 out of 10.


Mariana - My favorite thing about camp was when we went panning, because when I did it, it was calming for me.  


Amelia - The best thing at camp was CABIN TIME!!!:) I was in  a cabin with Willow, Grace, Anneta, and Mariana Lexi and Annastasia came in our cabin to play charades. The show where the screen opens was also so cool.


Liam - The best thing about camp was the light show because the stars it was so mesmerizing and realistic  plus the bus was so cool


Willow - It was hard to write with my right hand as I am left handed yet it was an astonishing experience living in the 1850s as a child( it was very generous of ma’am to allow us to use any hand we wanted to use the quill).