1/2 K

Welcome back to Term 4


Welcome back to term 4. It has been lovely seeing everyone's smiling faces as we return from school holidays The children have come back well rested and are ready to an exciting term ahead.

Specialist Timetable


1:50-2:30 Italian

2:30-3:15 Performing Arts



8:10-8:30 Running club (if desired)

11:40-12:20 Sport



9:30-10:10 STEM

10:10-10:50 Art



1:50-2:30 Library

Swap readers

Inquiry: Through the Generations

To begin our new inquiry topic 'Through the Generations' the children explored the value of making connections with their peers and ways which they can develop friendships. They came up with a list of traits that good friends show including listening, taking turns, letting others play, sharing, using good manners and saying nice things. 

Unfortunately, sometimes these connections can break, and we need to learn about ways to mend things that are broken. Sometimes that means saying sorry and other times we need to listen and forgive. 

We begun be reading the book 'Bad Apple' by Huw Lewis Jones and Ben Sanders. We discussed the ways in which apple was breaking connections with his friends and ways he could keep these friendships and mend these friendships.

Click the book below to watch the story

The children then thought about three actions they could take this term to make friends and keep friends. They wrote each action on a strip of paper and we formed a class paper chain. We spoke about how at some stage this term the chain might be broken by someone not being a good friend there are strategies we can use to try and mend it.

Here is the children's paper chain.


We have started this term with a focus on fractions. The children have begun by exploring fractions of a whole. We begun by pretending we were going on a picnic and we needed to cut up the food at the picnic.

We have started by cutting sandwiches in half in lots of different ways, then moved onto other shaped foods such as a banana, doughnut and corn chips. 

Look at the great job the children have done cutting the food into 2 equal parts or halves.

We will be moving into other fractions this week including quarters and thirds. What a great opportunity to talk about cutting up food into fractions with your children at home while they help you make their lunches or cook dinner.