1/2 T

Welcome back to Term 4!

It has been so lovely to see everyone's smiling faces, 

rested and refreshed after the holiday break!


To start off our new Inquiry unit for Term 4, which is called Through the Generations, we have started talking and thinking about making connections with others.


There are lots of things we can do to make connections and develop friendships.

Unfortunately, sometimes these connections can break, 

and we need to learn about ways to mend things that are broken. 

Sometimes that means saying sorry. 

Other times it means we need to practise forgiveness.


We came up with lots of ways that we can make, keep and even fix friendships and connections. We wrote these on the links of our class friendship chain.



We have also started investigating fractions. 

Here we are cutting lots of different objects into halves. 

We also started with a shape that was only a half 

and had to work out what the whole shape would look like.


Class Schedule 

Monday: Italian & Performing Arts

Tuesday: Fortnightly Whole School Assembly (odd weeks)

Wednesday: Running club & PE

Thursday: STEM & Art

Friday: Library & Swap take-home readers