
Welcome back Prep families to Term 4! Miss Becc and I are looking forward to a great term, jam-packed with various learning activities.
We started the term by understanding how to engage in positive ways with classroom peers, and we discussed various strategies to manage friendship issues inside and outside the classroom.
In Maths, the Preps are learning about fractions and the relationship between a whole and the parts thereof. They have explored everyday fractions and represented everyday fraction situations such as one-half of a pizza, one-half of a sandwich, and one-half of a paper roll. Some of the students folded their halves again, and they created quarters. This provided rich dialogue about how many quarters make one half and a whole. During lunchtime eating, the Preps independently used the 'fraction' language to describe the food in their lunchboxes.
Henrique - My wrap is cut in 4 quarters
Josh - I have two halves, look I have a whole.
On Monday afternoon the Preps went into the Peace Garden and they had to use their senses to discover something new. They moved around the different areas, observing, feeling, smelling and listening for new discoveries.
Please remember to apply sunscreen to your child before school.
Please send blue folders to school each day.