Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


I hope you all managed to find opportunities to relax and spend some additional time with the children during our two week break. I'm very conscious that a holiday for us does not necessarily mean a holiday for all our parents and carers. However,  the children seem to have returned with renewed energy and enthusiasm. 


I was working with 1/2T this week, we were discussing the start of their new Faith/Inquiry unit 'Through Generations'.  I shared some stories with them about my family, focusing on my three year old niece (actually she's my great niece but just saying that makes me feel very, very old!) and my aunt Una with whom I spent some time during the break.  I was explaining that even though we are of different generations, I enjoy being in their company and see them both at different stages of their faith journeys. Mia's father informed me that I am mentioned every night when she says her 'prays'.  Mia recently visited SFX after school and wrote me a 'pray'.  It said "God Bless Marion."   


Mia wrote me a 'pray'
Mia wrote me a 'pray'

My aunt Una is quite an extraordinary woman who has experienced many setbacks throughout her life, some of which have been testing and led her to question her beliefs. However, she reckons that critically reflecting upon her faith has strengthened her knowledge and understanding. During my recent visit she chatted about how she wishes that when she was growing up, faith was shared and experienced how it is now - God as a compassionate and loving being, not to be feared. She often asks about the current teaching of Catholicism and likes that we make opportunities to explore faith through contemporary and relatable contexts.   We had many interesting conversations during my stay with her in Canberra.

My Aunt Una
My Aunt Una



I have sent home volunteer forms with children who are interested in singing at the Multicultural Mass on Sunday, 22nd October, 10am at St John's East Frankston - all families Catholic and non Catholic are very welcome.  






Just a reminder that you are invited to join us at mass with Bishop Tony tomorrow morning at 9:15am.  

Bishop Tony Ireland will be celebrating 9:15am mass on Friday at St Francis Xavier Church
Bishop Tony Ireland will be celebrating 9:15am mass on Friday at St Francis Xavier Church


God's blessings to you all.


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader