Year 12 Numeracy City Adventure

The Y12 VCAL cohort participated in a City Adventure excursion at the end of term 3. Within this excursion, students were challenged to utilise the skills and knowledge that they had learned in numeracy class to assist them in completing an ‘amazing race’ event.


This included key knowledge such as; location, time, distance, measurement, and other numeracy-based skills. Students formed teams and contended against others in their cohort to try and earn the most points. Points were awarded for completing challenges around the city such as ‘Take a selfie in front of a piece of Graffiti’ or ‘Find 3 statues in Melbourne and take a photo posing next to them’. The winning group earned a total of 10,600 points and completed almost all challenges. Their prize included free pizza when they returned back to the College.


Within this excursion, we also celebrated the end of the school year and the end of their VCAL program. We visited the Vic Market, toured around, looked at all the unique food options available, and then were given free time around the CBD. Overall, students represented the College with great integrity and solidarity, despite the miserable weather on the day.


Thank you to all students involved and congratulations on completing your VCAL certificate. 


All the best in your future endeavours!

-Daniel Guerrieri