
Aboriginal Education Plan 


Earlier this term, we held our second RAP working group meeting. At this meeting we watched and shared ideas during a webinar about reconciliation. It helped our working group to build a shared understanding of what reconciliation is, what are the important factors that contribute to it and why it is important. It was developed by Reconciliation Australia, so it was great to hear from the experts to start our thinking on what our vision for reconciliation at WPPS might look like. We collected our initial ideas on the important factors of reconciliation at our school.

Our next meeting will be held in November, where we will delve deeper into crafting our vision for reconciliation at Wonga Park Primary School.




Woiwurrung is a language spoken by members of four Koorie clans that lived in adjoining areas in the Port Phillip region.


Learn a Woiwurrung Word:

Below is the Woiwurrung word for beach:


To Read:

Simon Wonga

At our recent RAP meeting, we discussed the rich Aboriginal history of our local community. A significant elder, whom our school and local suburb is named after, is Simon Wonga. Read more about him  and why he is considered such an important Aboriginal Change Maker below:



To Watch and Visit:

Connection - The Lume

More info and tickets:

Connection brings together First Peoples’ art, music and culture in a breathtaking experience. Connection features over 550 artworks from more than 110 visual and musical artists, representing the largest experience of First Peoples’ art ever assembled. Developed in curatorial collaboration with the National Museum of Australia and experts including Margo Neale, Rhoda Roberts AO, Wayne Quilliam and Adam Knight, Connection is a ground-breaking showcase that fuses the world’s oldest living culture with the most cutting-edge technology. 


Tim Phillips

Marrung Leader