From the Assistant Principal

Adele Brice

It's hard to believe that we are in Week 5 of Term 4 - the term has been powering along.

My update for this newsletter includes sharing with you several policies which have been recently updated, information regarding the final Childsafe Volunteer Training sessions that will be offered for 2023 and links to two surveys which we would love to hear your voice on.


Recently updated Policies 

The Education Sub Committee/School Council has recently reviewed and ratified the policies listed below, thank you to the members of our community who provided feedback for the Bullying Prevention Policy and the Child Safe Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure.

  • Mobile Phone Student Use Policy
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Child Safe Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
  • Yard Duty and Supervision Policy
  • Electronic Funds Management Policy
  • School Purchasing Card Policy
  • Cash Handling Policy


The School Captain Policy that was shared on our website was an outdated policy. After discussions with the Education Sub Committee and also School Council it has been ratified that this no longer a policy and has been removed from our website. The policy will be replaced with the School Captain Section Procedure and will be shared with Grade 5 students and parents prior to this process commencing each year. The procedure will be decided by the staff at WPPS, in consultation with the principal and assistant principal. 


School Uniform survey

As I shared in the last newsletter, we have the option of introducing a Puffer Jacket to our uniform through PSW (Uniform Supplier). 

To do this we would need to remove the Soft Shell Polyester Jacket from our uniform list. 

In terms of records received from PSW it indicates that only 10 Soft Jackets have been sold so far in 2023 which leaves us feeling the soft shell jacket may not be a popular uniform choice.

We have only had 14 families reply to the survey which was included in the last newsletter 

Please complete this short survey to indicate your preference regarding the jacket option -


School Camp Survey

Our School Camping program is reviewed on a regular basis and has recently been discussed at school council. To make camps a sustainable option for parents. There are two options that we would like to share with our community, we value your feedback and would appreciate you providing a response to this short survey.

The final option/decision regarding the camping program will be phased in over the next few years. 


Volunteer Child Safe Training - training/update session

We are mandated (without exemption) to provide annual training for all volunteers working in our school. People who trained in Term 4 2022 are now required to update their training so we can continue to have you volunteering at our school.

Upcoming training sessions are listed below. It is very possible that these will be the final sessions offered for 2024.

  • Friday 3rd November 9-9.40am (onsite)
  • Wednesday 8th November 5.30-6.00pm (online)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 5:30 PM | 30 minutes | (UTC+11:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Meeting number: 2652 484 0838

Password: b75MT6U4mAy

The link for the session is available on the Parent Sentral Calendar.


Cyber Safety Project

The final  Digital Balance & Wellbeing was held in October. You are able to rewatch this session by clicking on the attached link; Registration/Rewatch Link: 


Please don't hesitate to contact me on 9722 1325 or via email should you require any further information on anything that I have shared with you in this update.


Kind regards,









Adele Brice - Assistant Principal