Shining Star Award 

 Term 4 – Assembly 1





Harry BHarry, you are now confident to use your understanding of sounds in your reading and writing. It is exciting to see you thriving!


Tillie BFor the care and effort you have been showing during writing sessions. I love the way you challenge yourself to add descriptions and use your dictionary to help you.   
 Lewis WLewis, you start all learning tasks with a positive attitude and willingness to try new things. What a star you are! We are lucky to have you in Prep B!  
 Olivia RFor your determination and effort in using the chunking strategy when trying to read tricky words. What a reading star!  


Maisie PMaisie, you are a shining star. You are so helpful and kind to others. You strive to do your best and have been working hard to use a variety of strategies in Maths. Well done! 
 AlexAlex, it has been wonderful to see you looking out for ways to help other people organise their things and help when you can. Great effort! 


Arlo LWe are so impressed with how you are always challenging yourself in Maths. What a great learner you are! 


Maeve GWe love the way you eagerly approach every learning challenge, you are superstar learner who happily works with everyone!
 Amali DYou have the kindest heart and such a sense of humour, we love the way you welcome everyone into your joyous world!


Manha KFor confidently presenting information to the class! Your clear voice and interesting information captivated us all! 
 Oakley LFor taking care and effort to creatively present his ideas to others. We love sharing in your creative thinking. 


Evie BFor spreading kindness and putting your best effort into everything you do. You are a star! 
 Brooklyn HFor your positive and enthusiastic attitude towards Maths. I love the way you always challenge yourself. What a star! 


Angad SI have been impressed by your writing! You have shown growth in your word choice, spelling and persistence. I am so proud of you. 
 Cooper PFor proving that effort really does equal success. You have shown focus and commitment to your learning. Keep it up! 


Olivia KOlivia, your writing is so engaging! We love it when you share your talent with us. Your ‘writers voice’ is so captivating. 
 Chloe TYou are a careful listener, always putting your new learning into action to demonstrate your understanding – a powerful character trait! 


Alice SWell done, Alice, for the way you apply yourself to every learning situation. You approach all tasks with enthusiasm, a zest for learning and a positive disposition – what more could I ask for! 
 April SFor the effortless way you engage your listener - whether that be through oral reading or being an amazing author - we always love hearing from you. 
   4BMiles BFor your amazing attitude in maths. The way you approach challenging tasks is like no other. Keep it up mate!   


Luella GFor bringing a great attitude to school and putting your best foot forward each and every day at school.  
 Mitchell AFor your awesome efforts in Reading Groups and Writing. You’re giving everything your best go and it is great to see how far you’ve come!  


Marcus BFor the beautiful effort you have put into creating a gorgeous bag of surprises for your Prep buddy. They will be thrilled and they are so lucky to have you next year!


Jesse MFor willingly taking on your new Green Team role. You have shown great organisational and leadership skills. Keep up the great work Jesse! 


Eliza ZYou have been working with determination and a growth mindset, problem solving and persisting through new and challenging learning. There is a wonderful sense of fun you bring to WPPS, through both your schoolwork and your friendships. You make us all smile!


Wil K

For the impressive growth you had made as a writer this year.  

Your careful word choice and strong author’s voice allows you to create such descriptive and engaging pieces. Well done!