Grade 5 and 6

CBL - Discovery

Students have been exploring coding through our Big Idea of 'Discovery'. They started by learning about binary coding. More recently, they have been using the app called 'Swift Playgrounds' to explore a coding language. They have learnt how to to issue commands, build functions and play with variables. They have taught a character called Byte to move through a virtual world, collecting gems and toggling switches, and have choreographed a digital robot to dance to a specific beat. 




Planning for our Graduation is well underway and some information has been shared with families via email. The Grade 6s have been fundraising for this event, most recently our Term Three Footy Day. This term they will also be organising a wacky hair day and a hot dog day. More information to come!  


Buddy Fun

The Grade Six students have enjoyed spending time with their buddies recently. They have helped them to learn about shapes, numbers, sequencing of stories and identifying main characters in a story. They've also written and shared stories together. It has been heartwarming to witness the love, care and nurturing of our students in these moments. 





Students in Grade 5 are beginning to think about the roles they would like to nominate for in 2024. They will listen to the current leaders to assist  in making decisions to help  choose a position of interest to them. They will bring home a nomination form shortly. Further information will be shared shortly.


Buddy Bags

Students have enjoyed putting together a selection of handmade items for their future buddy. Here are pictures of some of the items students have been creating.