Physical Education News

Physical Education and Sport
We can hardly believe it, but the end of the term is upon us, and what an incredible term it has been in Physical Education and Sport! As we bid farewell to gymnastics, athletics, tee ball, and eagerly anticipate the start of cricket next term, let's take a moment to celebrate the achievements within our school community.
PE Lessons
Our young gymnasts have dazzled us with their skills and grace on the mats, beam and parallel bars this term. From forward rolls to cartwheels, they have showcased their hard work and determination by completing many different challenges. We are proud of every student who participated and learned valuable lessons about strength, flexibility, and discipline. We are looking forward to the Foundation and Year 1 classes completing their gymnastics in Term 4.
The tee ball sessions were a hit with our budding baseball, softball and tee ball stars! Learning the basics of hitting off the tee, fielding, and catching with a glove was certainly a highlight. The enthusiasm and growth we've seen have been nothing short of inspiring.
Get ready to don your cricket whites because next term, we're diving into the world of cricket! Whether your child is already a cricket lover or just dipping their toes in this exciting sport, we can't wait to see them develop their skills and love for the game. The club season is about to begin for both boys and girls so please see the attached flyer if you are interested in signing up. In PE, we have begun learning about bowling (keeping that arm nice and straight) as well as stepping and hitting through the ball. It certainly has been fun playing our intro games and we can’t wait to have a few more weeks playing cricket!
Badminton has also featured this term in our PE lessons, helping develop our hand and eye coordination. Learning to strike the shuttlecock cleanly to hit it over has been a challenge accepted and conquered for many - the excitement of a rally could be heard across the whole school yard. You may have a badminton net and racquets at home (we have one from all those lockdowns!) that you might like to dust off and play over the holidays.
District Athletics
We extend our congratulations to those who represented our school at the Glen Iris District Athletics carnival this term. Your dedication and sportsmanship were truly commendable. Special mention goes to those who have progressed further in the competitions - you make us incredibly proud! Congratulations to the following students who have made it to the Division Athletics Carnival to be held on Wednesday 11th October.
Zach De Luca; Discus
Harriet Andreiske; Hurdles and High Jump
Lily Iver; 1500m
Jake Reed 1500m and 800m
District Swimming Training
Planning is underway for the District Swimming team for 2024. Students in Years 3-6 next year will again be able to trial for the event held early in Term 1. To prepare for this trial process, we will be holding training sessions at the Ashburton Pool for four mornings in Term 4. This is NOT a learn to swim session; it is to train already able swimmers as preparation for team selection and there will be a small charge involved to be paid prior to the first training session to secure the lanes. The District event is held at the Harold Holt 50m pool and as such, we encourage anyone interested in joining us for the training sessions to go and have a swim at Harold Holt, as well as at Ashburton Pool over the holidays. We look forward to sharing more details with you at the start of next term.
We hope you all have a wonderful and active break over the holidays. Please encourage your children to stay active and keep practising their skills. We look forward to another fantastic term of Sport and Physical Education when we return. Together, we are creating a generation of healthy, active, and passionate individuals.
Wishing you a fantastic holiday and looking forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for more sporting adventures next term!
Warm regards,
Katherine Aldcroft
Upcoming sport dates:
Year 6 T20 day 16 November TBC
Year 4 Lacrosse Gala Day 30 November TBC
Years F-6 House Athletics Day Tuesday 28 November - save the date!