Teaching and Learning

Billabong Ranch Camp

Our Year 3 students are on camp at present with their Campaspe Cluster friends. Miss Duffy has joined them for their three-day adventure at Billabong Ranch, just outside of Echuca. With lots of exciting, adventure based activities planned, I am sure it will be a wonderful experience

 Science Day at Raywood

At the end of last term, Raywood Primary School hosted the other five schools from the Campaspe Small Schools Cluster for a Science Day. Students were placed into mixed year level groups and rotated around six different activities, each led by a different school. The day was a huge success and our students loved showing off our school to the visitors. Raywood Primary School is the perfect venue for such an event as our facilities, including a large stadium, spacious grounds and modern expansive classroom areas means there is plenty of room. We had over 160 students and 24 extra staff join us for the day. 

Activities included balloon powered cars, giant paper helicopters, pom-pom catapults, bridge construction, foil boats and water pressure activities. 


One of our year six students, Link, designed and 3D printed a key ring for each school to take home on the day as a memento. 

News from  Year Three - Six

Last term students worked hard during their mathematics investigation sessions. The above photos show the students using their skills of estimation, measurement and decimals to perfect the perfect paper plane that could fly the furthest. These hands-on sessions are designed to ensure that the teaching and learning program is as interesting as possible and linked to real-world problems (instead of just a mathematical equation in a text book). The students can all have their skills and understanding extended from their individual point of need as the investigations allow for complexity of problems to be adjusted by the teacher. 

Check out these fantastic Wanted Posters created by the students as part of their Integrated Studies on Australian History- more specifically, Bushrangers.  


Art News

This term is bound to get a little messy with a range of sculpture activities planned before we head into the glitter and sequin fest that is Christmas Craft! Be on the look out on our school Facebook page and in future editions of the newsletter to see what we have created! 

Music News

This term sees us continue to enjoy weekly music sessions for our students. We have just taken delivery of some additional ukuleles, so things are about to get even more exciting in these sessions.