From the Office
News From the Principal
Book Fair at Raywood PS
We will once again be hosting a week long book fair at our school. It will run from Monday October 9th until Friday October 15th and will be open for browsing and sales during school hours. Please tell your friends and family as this is an excellent way to begin your Christmas shopping and it helps our school. This event was well
supported by our school and local community last year and we hope it will once again be a success.
As you can tell, Kiara and Link are very excited about selecting their books!
End of Term Footy Day
The last day of Term 3, saw us host our annual Footy Colours Day. Our students and staff dressed up in their favourite football colours. Kelly Sports hosted a footy clinic and we had a delicious shared lunch of footy food. It was a great wrap up to what has been a busy term for us at Raywood Primary School. Term 4 looks to be every bit as busy and exciting, with lots happening. Don't forget to regularly check the Important Dates Page for events and a reminder that our newsletter is published to our website each fortnight, so if you have forgotten some information about a particular upcoming event, you can log onto our school website ( and check the for the information you require there.
Unfortunately we did not get a response from each of our families with regard the Parent Opinion Survey. A huge thank you to those families who did respond and completed the online survey as we did get a 75% response rate. These results will guide us and the Department of Education make decisions relating to our school programs and initiatives into the future.
Lunch Orders
Our weekly Wednesday Lunch Orders began this week. Price lists and how to order information was sent home with students at the end of last term. There is also a price list on our community page at the back of the newsletter. Please ensure you clearly name your child's envelope as well at write the order on the outside of the envelope with payment enclosed. Orders need to be bought to school and placed at the office by 9am on Wednesdays.
School Council News
Our next School Council Meeting will be held next term on Monday 23rd of October, commencing at 5pm. Please let Lisa know if you are unable to attend. Packs will be sent to councillors in the week prior to the meeting.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy