From the 



Dear Parents / Carers,


We have had a great start to Term Four. We all feel refreshed after the two-week break. It has been pleasing to see that most students are wearing their hat outdoors. This is part of our Sun-Protection Policy which requires all students to wear hats outdoors from the 1 September until the 30 April.


Mrs Tiffany Bamford is taking some additional leave this term and we are pleased to welcome Mrs Elaine Wilson to be Acting Assistant Principal during Mrs Bamford’s absence. 


During the term break some physical improvements were undertaken to our school environment. Repairs to the concrete were finished and now the trip hazards have been eliminated, an automatic door was installed at the entrance which has already made access to the main building a lot easier, work commenced on installing a ramp in front of the Performing Arts studio, extensive painting was completed and we also completed a range of electrical and playground inspections to enhance student safety. Instead of a shade sail we opted to build a veranda outside of our Stephanie Alexander kitchen, and we were informed during the break that the permit for this work has been completed. This will create a fabulous outdoor learning space for our students.


Preparations for our 50th Birthday celebrations are well underway. Please save the date - Friday 27 October.


Our children have more exposure to technology than those of previous generations. We have an obligation to ensure that our children are not exposed to platforms and content that are not age appropriate. One such platform is Snapchat. Users of this platform must be thirteen and it is most appropriate for teenagers who are aged sixteen upwards, yet we have students as young as nine and ten who utilise this messaging app.


I appeal to parents to carefully monitor the social media platforms that their children are using. Content that they share on Snapchat can be saved and shared and may never go away.


Kind regards,


Anne Babich
