Principal's Report

Fare Share Food Drive
Congratulations to the Yr11 VM students and teachers who have undertaken a food drive as part of a leadership project over the last week.
As part of Year 11 VM Personal Development Area of Study 2, students were encouraged to learn more about how to engage with their local community and the benefits of doing so. Students learnt about food insecurity and the various reasons why people experience food insecurity in our society.
They learnt about how community organisations such as Fare Share, cook meals for families who find it difficult to either cook meals or access food with which to cook meals.
As a group, the class decided to run a Food donation drive and spread the word about how one small act of kindness enables charities like Fare Share, to help the vulnerable in our community.
The VM Personal Development class on October 3rd will be visiting Fare Share in Alphington to spend the morning cooking meals that will be given to families who need them.
They will get to actively see where our donations go and how their support makes all the difference.
Tutor learning initiative
Our College was delighted to hear the recent announcement that the Tutor Learning Initiative will continue to be funded by the State Government in 2024.
This is fantastic news and ensures that we can continue to provide a layer of additional support for those students most in need of support with their learning.
Over the term ahead we will be planning the delivery of our 2024 Tutor Learning Program and identifying students that will be involved in this work from the start of Term 1 next year.
Happy Holidays
As we finish Term 3, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents, students, staff and broader community for their ongoing support of our school.
Our team have worked hard this term to support the positive engagement of students and to ensure the academic, social and emotional development of each student.
This isn’t possible without us all working together and in the same direction, so thank you.
We hope that you all enjoy the school holiday break and look forward to seeing all students back at school on Monday October 2nd.
Jared Williams
Acting College Principal