Wellbeing Report
Chaplain on leave
Hello everyone, our school chaplain Arun has been on family leave since the start of the term. We are looking forward to having him return to us after Melbourne Cup. As the term is nearing to an end, we are no longer accepting new applications to participate in the Chaplaincy program in 2023. If you would like information about the Chaplaincy program in 2024, please contact Mr Russell at the office.
Attendance - make every day count!
This term, our wonderful school captains have been updating our new Attendance Wall. Our Attendance wall tracks the year level attendance each week to promote that “Every day at school counts”. This week the Year 6’s have the highest rocket on the wall. At the end of week 10, the class that has the highest attendance will win a special prize for the term, this will include a photo in the newsletter and the sought after attendance cup.
Here is a photo of our School Captains updating our wall on Bright Colours Day.
If you need support or have any questions about your child’s attendance, please contact Mr Russell at the office.