Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

Student Attitudes to School Survey

Each year students in years 4, 5 and 6 participate in a confidential survey to provide schools with a deeper understanding of their attitudes towards school.  The survey asks students questions about different aspects of school life including teaching practice, teacher-student relations, learner characteristics, social engagement and student social and emotional wellbeing.

Results from this year’s survey have been published and we are very pleased to say that student satisfaction in most school priority areas are extremely positive are at or above state averages.  This is the second year that we have maintained such positive results. The results have also identified some future areas of growth and we will use this feedback to develop actions to enhance student learning and wellbeing in 2024.                                           




Sense of InclusionI have friends at school97%
High expectations for successMy teachers expect me to do my best95%
Differentiated LearningMy teachers help me to do my best94%
Advocate at schoolAt school there is a teacher or another adult who cares about me91%
Advocate at schoolThere is a teacher or another adult at this school who tells me when I do a good job95%

Sporting Achievements

On Wednesday 18th October, Kael (6C) and Carter (3A) represented our school at Regional Athletics.  Carter competed in Hurdles and Kael in the 100m sprint.  We are so proud of both students for making it to this level.  Kael came second in his event and will progress onto State Champions on 1st November.  We wish him the best of luck.

Principal's Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students on your achievements...

Charlotte - Year 6
Charlotte - Foundation
River - Year 1
Grace - Year 2
Eva - Year 3
Noah - Year 5
Charlotte - Year 6
Charlotte - Foundation
River - Year 1
Grace - Year 2
Eva - Year 3
Noah - Year 5

The Year 4 recipient has been absent and will be presented with award at a later date


Melbourne Cup Day

Tuesday 7th November is a Public Holiday to celebrate the Melbourne Cup, no students are to attend school on this day.  Clyde PS is open the day before on Monday 6th November.  Our school has no other Curriculum Days planned for 2023.


Colour Run for Fun

Not long to go before our Colour Run for Fun on Monday 20th of November.  We have got off to a good start with our Colour Run fundraising!  Thank you to everyone that has started fundraising already!  We have been putting together a list of things we would like to spend the money raised on, including a GaGa Ball pit!  If you haven’t set up an online profile yet, you can do it here  Attached is an instruction sheet on how to do it too.  If you have any issues, please see our Admin staff for assistance. 

Students that raise more than $50 will go in the draw to Slime a Teacher!  Mrs Mac and Mrs Bevis are currently on the list to be slimed.  More teachers will be added soon!

World Teachers' Day

At Clyde PS we use World Teacher's Day as a perfect time to stop, reflect and say thank you for the significant role teachers play in improving student outcomes and shaping their lives for future success.  We are so very lucky to have such passionate and committed teachers here at Clyde PS, who this morning enjoyed a special morning tea to celebrate their day.


Student Leaders

Year 6 student leadership positions at Clyde Primary School are very highly regarded positions.  These roles are a valuable opportunity for students to develop their skills in being leaders, organisers and active members of the Clyde PS community.  Students have the opportunity to contribute to decision-making within the school and take on responsibilities for a variety of school activities.  On Monday, these positions will be discussed with our current Year 5 students and interested students will be invited to apply for 2024 positions. 


Staffing News

We are thrilled to announce that another member of

 our Clyde PS team is pregnant. Congratulations to Mrs Ashlea Bartsch and her husband, Simon, who are expecting their first child next year. Mrs Bartsch will take Family Leave at the end of Term 1, 2024.


School Student Broadband Initiative

The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 eligible families with school-aged students. 

This government initiative aims to boost education opportunities.  Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities.  Access to fast internet at home can also support children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and take part in a world that is more reliant on digital technology.   NBN Co is leading the rollout of this initiative across the country. 

To be eligible, families must: 

  • have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school in 2023
  • not have an active National Broadband Network internet service at their home* (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility) 
  • live in a premises that can access the National Broadband Network through a standard connection.  NBN Co will check this for you after you apply
  • register interest with your school and complete a consent form to be assessed for eligibility.

How to apply

  • Ask your school for a copy of the School Student Broadband Initiative consent form.
  • Complete the consent form and return to the school.
  • NBN Co will use student address details on the consent form to confirm eligibility.
  • If you are eligible, NBN Co will issue a voucher for your family to use to sign up with a participating internet provider.  This will be provided to you by your school.

For more information about the School Student Broadband Initiative, visit




We have recently updated our school's Administration of Medication policy, Personal Property policy, Visitors policy and Volunteers policy. These policies, along with our other current school policies can be found on our website here:

Please have a read and if you have any feedback please contact Hayley Taylor. 


Christmas Raffle

Our annual Christmas Raffle drive begins this coming Monday.  We are asking for donations to make up prize hampers to be drawn at our Carols Night later this term.

Please bring any new items you can donate into the office.


Suggested items include:

· Christmas books

· Toys/games

· Non-perishable foods (no alcohol)

· Christmas decorations

· Hand soaps, candles

· Christmas craft activities

· Stationary

We would be very grateful for donations to be delivered to the school office before Friday 1st December.  Our raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Concert on 7th December.