From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


We come to the end of a very busy term. There has been a real buzz around the School with our students. There is so much to be thankful for and appreciative of at St Helena's Catholic Primary School. It really is a great place to be!


Congratulations to all our Year 6 students who were Confirmed in our Parish on Sunday 10 September. Thank you Miss Jessica Healy and Mrs Eva Viola for assisting with the preparation of the students with the Parish and to Mr Luke Vine and Miss Melissa Myles for your support. It was a wonderful celebration of a very special Sacrament.

We had an awesome Athletics Carnival last Friday. All our students participated with enthusiasm and did their best! The sportsmanship was fantastic. Thank you to Simone Hesse, for her planning and coordinating of another fantastic Athletics Carnival and Jumps and Throws Day, earlier in the week. Thank you too, to all our staff who helped set up in the morning and pack up in the afternoon, as well as assist throughout the carnival. Very much appreciated! It was great to see such a large crowd cheering on our students and Factions on the day. Thanks to the parents/caregivers who assisted at the Jumps and Throws Day and the Athletics Carnival, very much appreciated!


Thank you to our parents and caregivers who supported us in different ways this term at St Helena's Catholic Primary School. Your efforts and time was much appreciated. I would also like to acknowledge our student's efforts in all aspects of school life. We always simply ask all our students to do their best and continue to strive for personal excellence, having fun along the way, on their learning journey.


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful staff for their commitment and efforts once again this term. Our staff work very hard, and I know that our parents and caregivers are very appreciative of the staff's commitment to their vocation. Always for the betterment of our students! Thank you for your contribution to our TEAM! 


We wish Mrs Jemma Trimboli all the best on her future endeavours, as she leaves St Helena's after 10 years of supporting our students, families, and staff in her Social Worker role. We also farewell and wish all the best to Mrs Pushpinder Kaur who is taking some time to prepare for the arrival of her first child. Exciting times ahead! Thank you both for your contribution to St Helena's.


The final day of Term 3 for students and staff is tomorrow, Thursday 21 September, and we will finish the term with the Year 2 Assembly at 8:25am and a Kindy Sport Carnival at 1:45pm. 


I will be away at the Catholic Primary Principal's Conference for the rest of this week. Wishing all our students, families and staff a safe and enjoyable break. Looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 9 October for the commencement of Term 4.



Peace & Happy Days!

Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.