Classroom News


The Year Sixes have been learning about electricity and have been making electrical circuits to light a bulb. 

The Year Fives have been learning about the properties and behaviour of white light. 

In Term Four all classes will be learning about Earth and Space. We have been busy getting our display ready.

In Term Three, the Year 2 students have explored stationary objects that are subjected to push and pull. They investigated how different strengths of push and pull affected the movement of objects. The students were introduced to the concept of gravity and considered the effects of objects being pulled towards the Earth. They also explored ways objects move on land and through water. 

In the photographs below, students investigated the shape required to make something float and manipulated a piece of foil to make a shape that floated. What amazing shipbuilder we have on our hands!


In the Learning Lounge we love to start our sessions with a sound swap with non-sense words. This is great for practice with segmenting and phoneme manipulation which helps us become fantastic readers! We also have to put our detective hats on and track the changes we are making, so nothing is able to sneak by us 😊. We have also been busy reading, sorting and writing our words under the correct spelling choice and we are so proud of our efforts.

In MacqLit, we are working hard on our dictated sentence writing. We work on reading target sounds and then we practice them in isolated words before we get to strut our stuff in a sentence. Look at us go!

We have also been working on our growth mindsets and have found or created quotes that we thought were quite special. A growth mindset is important so we can continue to learn and grow from our successes and our challenges. We would love to share some of them with you and hope they inspire you too!