Family Matters

Happy Families 

St Joseph’s families are welcome to access the school membership to Happy Families


PASSWORD: happysjcpsb


eSafetyparents- Celebrating Children's Week

Children’s Week is happening across Australia from 21 to 29 October 2023. It’s an opportunity to recognise that all children have the right to relax, play, and participate in activities they enjoy. 

Celebrate Children’s Week by saying YES to safe online play. When you join in children’s online play, it supports family wellbeing and results in better outcomes for children now and in the future.  

Want some resources to help bring play to online safety conversations? Here’s where you can start: 

Encourage your child to share their online experiences with you.  

Explore parent resources

Join our free webinar: Wellbeing and Digital Technologies

eSafety research shows that a third of children have sought emotional support online from friends or mental health support services. 

Learn more about how games, apps and social media can influence young people’s wellbeing with eSafety’s Wellbeing and Digital technologies webinar.  

The webinar is designed for parents and carers of secondary school students and covers a range of topics including: 

  • the latest research on young people and time online 
  • steps to take if your child is exposed to distressing or harmful content  
  • the strategies young people can use to support friends online.


Register now

Grandparents in the digital world

Grandparents across Australia provide hours of care to young people every week. During this time, they often watch, share and play with them on devices. 


Engaging in the digital world allows grandparents and children to learn from each other, building children's confidence and self-efficacy as they teach their grandparents about their online activities. 

While it's educational, it's also important to be safe. Our Online safety guide for grandparents provides advice about online safety issues affecting young people. It includes a range of practical tips to help them talk about issues and manage them. 

Learn more

Growing Good Men: Father and Teenage Son Weekend Experience

20 - 22 October 2023, Cataract Scout Camp, Appin


One of the most important influences in the lives of men is the relationship they had with their father or significant father figure. The encouragement and affirmation that this relationship could, and should, provide is a key ingredient for how young men view themselves and embrace their gifts as they take their place in the world.


Don’t miss this life-changing father and son weekend! Spots are limited to just 25 fathers with their sons aged between 12 and 16 years. This is a unique opportunity for dads and their sons to embark on a quest of discovery with Robert Falzon and the team from menALIVE.