School News

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Handbook


PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning)


Ask your child about the weekly focus for students.


This week's focus: 

Words have power!


Happy Birthday

We wish all our students a very happy birthday who celebrated their special day over the holiday period and the last week.


22 September - Ethan A Year 6 and Aspen G Year 1

23 September - Roxy D Year 6

27 September - Lachlan B Year 1

28 September - Chloe M Year 2

2 October - Leo B Year 5 and Claudia N Year 5

4 October - Jamie L Year 2, Isabella N Year 1 and Max C Year 1

5 October - Grace M Kinder and Harmonie S Kinder

6 October - Daphne W Year 6 and Minerva B Year 6

7 October -  Elena R Year 5 and Aria H Year 2

8 October - Lylah W Year 5

10 October - Nash K Year 4, William P Year 3, Lillian L Year 2 and Elka R Year 1

11 October - Hannah M Year 6 and Noah S Year 1

12 October - Flynn W Year 5, Malakai L Year 4 and Hayden K Year 3



Fete Lost Property - Pickup by Friday 13 October

ICAS - Science and English

Congratulations to all students who participated in the ICAS Science and English.  The following students will be presented with their certificates Friday 27 October 2023 (Week 3).



Toby MYear 3 
Harry MYear 4
Ethan AYear 6
James RYear 3
Felix PYear 4
Thomas SYear 4
Lewis BYear 3
Leo BYear 5


Toby MYear 3 
Abigail CYear 4
Ned SYear 5
Daniel NYear 6
Elizabeth KYear 4
Harry MYear 4
Ari WYear 5
Henry AYear 5
Leo BYear 5
Sophie MYear 5
Juhan RYear 6
Rachel CYear 6
Isaac WYear 6
 Year 5

Late Arrivals

A friendly reminder that students who arrive to school after the bell through the school office, must be signed in by a parent/carer.

Library News

Term 4 Library Days


SJB Book Fair

The Book Fair is quickly approaching. If you are available to help Mrs Pirie and Mrs Parker on the Friday 27 October, please let the office know. All help is greatly appreciated.


Mrs Holly Pirie

Teacher Librarian

Sports News

Sports Uniform Days - Term 4

Students are required to wear sports uniform as outlined below.


Please be advised that students will be required to wear their sports uniform the following days.


Days required to wear sports uniform


Wednesday & Friday

Year 1

Monday & Wednesday

Year 2

Monday and Thursday 

Year 3

Tuesday & Thursday

Year 4

Wednesday & Friday 

Year 5

Monday & Wednesday

Year 6

Tuesday & Friday



Open Monday to Friday for recess and lunch.


Cash purchases for snacks and drinks can be made at recess and lunchtime. Snacks and drinks can also be ordered via the new platform FlexiSchools.


Lunch orders

Orders for lunch can only be made through Flexischools.  Please note that orders close at 9.15am daily.  Orders cannot be placed after this time.



Flexischool Parent Support Line - 1300 361 769 (Hours: 7.00am-12.00 noon)

Catholic Care

OOSH, Out of School Hours care at St Joseph's 


Mobile:  0437 713 067

Booking Information

Enrolment Form

CatholicCare Website


Service hours

Before School Care

7:00am – 8:30am

After School Care

2:45pm – 6:00pm


If you require the use of OOSH for your child/ren you need to be enrolled in the service prior to commencing. 


Casual bookings

If your child already uses the service and you requireacasual booking please do this viathe Xplor app. 


Before School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 5:30 pm the night before

After School Care: Bookings are to be made no later than 9:00 am that morning


Casual booking must be made as per the times above to ensure enough staff. If notice is not provided within these time frames and the service does not have sufficient staff your child/ren will be sent to the office for collection. This is something that we all wish to avoid, so please keep in mind the time frames to help support the service.


If there is an emergency and care is needed please phone and leave a message and we will see what we can do.


If you do have any questions, need clarification, or have any feedback please feel free to contact the service mobile during operating hours on 0437 713 067 or Jacinta, Team Leader – 0407 759 720.


Strengthening Relationships


Community Notices


Lowes - 3 Day VIP Event - 11-13 October




Netball New South Wales  - Spring Netball