
Year 7 Music classes have immersed in keyboard and guitar skills through class learning activities. Students have learnt to perform note values and treble clef notes and have enjoyed performing individually and as a whole class.
Year 8 Music students have learnt to perform various Rock Music riffs leading to their first performance assessment task. Students learnt about the Duration musical concept with rhythm, note values and syncopation a feature of the riffs.
Year 9 have recently completed an Irish composition similar to a jig. In addition to a melody, students had to create a bass and percussion part. Students started to use the notation program Sibelius to achieve this
During the term, Year 10 Music students analysed how Pop/Rock songs incorporated classical musical characteristics. Performance repertoire included Eleanor Rigby, with instrumentation, structure and melody a feature and A Whiter Shade of Pale, which incorporated a Baroque style melody and rhythm. Students investigated a period of music and continued to develop ensemble and individual performance skills.
Congratulations to Year 11 who recently completing the Preliminary Music 1 Course. To do this students performed one piece, presented a Viva-Voce and completed their first Aural Skills paper. Good luck Year 11, as you transition into the Year 12 Music.
Year 12 Music class completed their HSC Practical Music Examination in Week 9. There were fifteen performances overall and one Viva Voce. Songs performed included in the HSC repertoire chosen by the students included: Metal, Blues, Rock and Pop genres. Congratulations to all students on their music performance achievements and best of luck in their upcoming HSC exams.
Ms Genelle Keough | CAPA/LOTE KLA Leader